Scuba Industry Press Releases by The Business of Diving Institute

List of Press Releases by the Business of Diving Institute

Press releases by the Business of Diving Institute on dive industry market surveys, studies & reports for the scuba diving industry.

March 23, 2024. Second Edition of the Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Report Published by the Business of Diving Institute.

March 6, 2024. Announcing Eight Market Reports from The State of The Dive Industry (SOTI) 2024 Market Survey. A benchmarking gauge and a trade “weather forecast” for your dive business activities in 2024: dive centers, instructors, gear manufacturers, training agencies, resorts & more.

January 4, 2024. Announcing The State of The Dive Industry (SOTI) 2024 Market Survey. A benchmarking gauge and a trade “weather forecast” for your dive business activities in 2024: dive centers, instructors, gear manufacturers, training agencies, resorts & more.

June 1st, 2023. Announcing Market Viz Project (MVP) To Generate Scuba Diving Market Size Reports. Market Research on Scuba Diving Equipment Sales, Dive Training Revenues, and Dive Travel Expenditures. Worldwide.

February 21, 2023. Announcing The First ‘State of The Industry’ (SOTI) Study for The Dive Industry. The Business of Diving Institue has launched a comprehensive ‘State of The Industry’ (SOTI) study for the dive industry in collaboration with InDepth Magazine.

August 31, 2021. DAN Europe, GUE, and Halcyon Support Dive Industry Market Research by The Business of Diving Institute. Divers Alert Network (DAN) Europe has joined forces with Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) and Halcyon Dive Systems to support the Business of Diving Institute research on the size of the dive industry.

July 20, 2021. Latest Scuba Diving Industry Market Data & Statistics, Analyzed by The Business of Diving Institute. The Business of Diving Institute (BODI) is continuing on its mission to provide scuba diving market data, information, and statistics to dive professionals worldwide.

April 30, 2021. Scubanomics is Conducting a Study on the “Economics” of Being a Dive Instructor. Scubanomics and InDepth magazine are seeking dive instructors to participate in the first-ever dive industry survey on the “economics” of being a dive instructor.

July 23, 2019. The Business of Diving Institute Launches ‘Scubanomics’ to Support Growth in the Scuba Diving Industry. The Business of Diving Institute publishes scuba diving market data and statistics, and dive industry trends in dive training, scuba diving equipment, retailing, dive travel and resorts, online commerce, and digital marketing.